…Who Is Targeting State Supreme Courts to Limit Our Freedoms

…Who Is Targeting State Supreme Courts to Limit Our Freedoms - Proteus Fund

In America, we value our freedoms. But powerful people have always tried rigging the rules in their favor. Now they are targeting our courts. They are trying to take America backward and control who we can be, who we can love, and how we can care for our bodies, our families, and our world. They are trying to put their thumbs on the scales of justice. In 2024, America will witness some of the most expensive state judicial elections in history, with attack ads largely fueled by men with vast fortunes trying to make their personal agendas into binding law.

But, together, we can and must take a stand to protect our freedoms and have truly just courts.

This report, commissioned by Piper Fund and produced by True North Research, describes some of the main antagonists who are using their vast financial resources to advance a regressive policy agenda and try to impose their personal or religious opposition to abortion, marriage equality, and more as binding law on other Americans.

DOWNLOAD: …Who Is Targeting State Supreme Courts to Limit Our Freedoms 


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